About me
Hi! I’m rjindael (or rj). I’ve gone by a variety of aliases before on the internet. Welcome to my website.
I’m a 17 year old programmer from the United States. I’ve had thorough experience in multiple programming languages, including C#, C/C++, PHP, JS/TS, Lua, and other numerous languages. I am also proficient in reverse engineering (.NET/Unity and C++ applications using IDA and dnSpy), backend and frontend website development (primarily with Laravel, but also express.js and vanilla PHP), system administration (Docker, setting up and securing Linux systems, CI/CD systems and management thereof), and more. I also maintain a hobby in election analysis, modeling, and mapping, as well as political science.
Currently, I am studying 3D rendering, and creating my own custom 3D rendering engine named bigworld – check it out! Otherwise, the projects that I am currently working on are listed on my GitHub profile.
I can be contacted through the following methods:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Telegram: @rjindael
- GitHub: @rjindael
- HackerOne: @rjindael
If you’re looking to speak to me, my preferred method of contact is either through my e-mail or starting a chat on Telegram.
For encrypted communication, ProtonMail is ostensibly end-to-end encrypted but you may also attach your PGP public key as per usual to your message. Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default but supports it through its “secret chats”. Both methods are just fine for secure communication, but if you absolutely must you may message me for my Signal.
Finally, my favorite flowers are bluebonnets. Check these out :D
This is the GPG key I currently actively use. It has three subkeys for each of my devices. My public key is downloadable on my website, GitHub, and the OpenPGP keyserver.
pub rsa4096 2022-09-03
0090 11BC 48C9 FD28 9772 92E7 54A6 942C 19BD BADC
uid rjindael (rj) <[email protected]>
sub rsa4096 2022-09-06 (D069 369C 906C CF31)
sub rsa4096 2022-09-06 (2054 AA03 9B42 DF0E)
sub rsa4096 2022-09-06 (DFB5 DA61 EAB1 CCFC)
Also available on GitHub.